From noon-noon on March 26-27, support UNMC students and the people, programs and patients of Nebraska Medicine during For the Greater Good.
For the Greater Good is UNMC’s and Nebraska Medicine’s 24-hour online giving event during which alumni, students, faculty, staff, grateful patients and the community at large come together to raise money for scholarships, programs, student groups, patient assistance and other activities.
Ways you can support McGoogan Library
- Give to the Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library
- Share why you give, volunteer and support UNMC and Nebraska Medicine on your social media channels. Be sure to use #GreaterGoodGivingDay and tag the library: @unmclibrary on Instagram and Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library on Facebook.
Your Donation’s Impact
A $25 donation can:
- Help offset the cost of our Maker Studio space and keep it free for UNMC students
- Help the library continue to provide the widest range of freely accessible resources to UNMC students, faculty and staff
- Keep the student study rooms bright and welcoming
- Help support scanning and digitization of our online exhibits
A $75 donation gets you a custom hat and can:
- Buy bananas and health snacks for 30 UNMC students during de-stress week
- Help the library welcome students statewide with swag bags
- Provide one hour of oral history transcription
- Help support outreach at health fairs and community events