Future Thoughts: Transforming Healthcare One Idea at a Time

Seasons in Health Care

I was recently introduced to a book by futurist Rebecca Ryan,  “Regeneration: A Manifesto for America’s Next Leaders”.  A key premise of  the book is the our country moves through seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) of change about every 20 years.  Right now we are in Winter; why does that not surprise me?  She says that although we didn’t realize it at the time, we… Continue Reading

Thinking Back

I have been thinking back about what ideas, at the 30,000 foot level, have occurred in health care in the last 2 decades.  What has changed that is making a difference or will in the near future.   And, however you feel about CMS, watching what they focus on helps clarify where things are going.  The big ideas that come to mind: Quality and Safety – From my days… Continue Reading

Honoring Nursing

I was struck by the presence of 2 nurses in the annual New York Times Magazine issue about people who died this year.  Kathryn Barnard was an early nurse scientist who studied how mothers and babies interact, “the natural habitat of babies.”  She was recognized as a pioneer in Nursing Science studying the importance of touch.  But perhaps even more intriguing was the presence of… Continue Reading