Future Thoughts: Transforming Healthcare One Idea at a Time

( Chronic) Care Model

While the (Chronic) Care Model (hereafter, CCM) is not “new” new (early 2000’s) it deserves more attention that it currently gets. The CCM initially started as a framework for implementing quality improvement in populations of patients with chronic health problems, but more recently it has been recognized that the model applies to all types of primary care problem.  As a result, sometimes the term “chronic” is deleted. … Continue Reading

Maintenance of Certification (MOC)

In recent years several professional medical organizations have begun developing a complex process for ongoing credentialing; it is generally referred to as Maintenance of Certification or MOC. According to the anonymous authors of Wikipedia, the process is undergoing extensive debate although most physicians I hear talking about is seem to assume it is a “done deal” and are working on implementation.  I can understand physician concerns about MOC as… Continue Reading

New (Transformational) Ideas that Nurses have Known for Decades

This may be a running post…a list of “new” ideas that are transforming healthcare AND that nurses (and let’s not forget social workers!)  have known for decade and which are finally getting the attention they deserve.  Someday I will have to do a post on a paper I did for my PhD on “Rubbish Theory”.  (Hint..one way things or ideas move from being perceived as rubbish to being valued as… Continue Reading