Author: Hohenstein, Laura J
Living Within Your Financial Means
Aurora Le, PhD, MPH’16 knows how to manage her money. After financing her BA, MPH and PhD on her own, she graduated debt-free and now owns her own home and paid off her used car in a year! So, how did she do this? Dr. Le shares a few tips on how she lives within […]
Apr 9, 2021
#ILoveNU Week is now behind us, but giving back to your community or alma mater is something you can do year-round! Mike Moravec, PT, DPT’04, OCS and Lisa Moravec, RDH’02, MSDH share below what motivates them to give back of their time, talent and treasure.
Mar 31, 2021
Advocate for the University of Nebraska
We’re in the midst of #ILoveNU Week, and we love seeing our alumni celebrate by sharing their story on social media, contacting their senator and wearing UNMC colors. Another important way alumni can show their love is by advocating for the University of Nebraska. Below, Jeff Hines, PharmD’82 shares why he advocates for the NU […]
Mar 24, 2021
In honor of #ILoveNU Week starting this Monday, we’re sharing what a few of our alumni had to say when we asked them “Why did you choose UNMC?” Be sure to visit to learn more and get involved.
Mar 18, 2021
UNMC Today Headlines

Inside UNMC, UNMC Community
Dr. Davies’ all-campus forum is today

UNMC Community