University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Uncategorized

Cindy Skarda from Perfusion Wins!

I received a few wrong guesses this time, but I suppose one tunnel looks like another. Cindy Skarda correctly located me in the tunnel from Swanson Hall to MMI. (We used to hide out from tornadoes down there!) Both Cindy and Diane Landon (PA) pointed out that Elephanto was sitting on the steampipe to my right. […]

Dec 9, 2008

Associate Dean's Office Closings

The SAHP Associate Dean’s office will be closed on Friday, December 26th and Friday, January 2nd. Please communicate any requests before the holidays those weeks. Thanks and Happy Holidays to Everyone!

Dec 9, 2008

A Christmas Toy Drive for Native American Children

For the Children of PineRidge, Rosebud, Omaha and Winnebago Reservations Please consider donating a new, unwrapped toy for a child of any age. Let’s show them someone cares! The Physician Assistant Students are helping with the collection of toys. A box has been placed on the 4th Floor of Bennett Hall by the elevator. We […]

Dec 8, 2008