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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: Fran Higgins

Mary Haven Honored

A surprise was unveiled at the AACC Annual Meeting on Saturday, July 18th in Chicago. The AACC Management Sciences Division awarded Associate Dean Emerita, Mary C. Haven, MS, FASAHP, the Outstanding Contributions to Management Sciences Award. This award is presented each year at the Division’s Annual Leadership Seminar. “Mary has been instrumental in the past […]

Jul 30, 2009

Where in UNMC is Fran?

Anne Constantino wins the coveted Elephanto trophy for a week! She was the first to correctly identify (in a posted comment) my whereabouts on the UNMC campus. This lovely green space is located behind the Michael F. Sorrell Center for Health Science Education encircled by a walking track. It’s a great place to study, have […]

Jul 27, 2009

SAHP Potluck: Brought to you by the Staff Leadership Council

In February, Associate Dean Kyle Meyer appointed eight staff members to the SAHP Staff Leadership Council as part of our strategic plan in order to improve efficiency and communication in the school. They meet bi-monthly to discuss administrative issues, disseminate information to others in their departments, and plan upcoming events. Standing (l-r): Michelle Simon, Distance […]

Jul 23, 2009