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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: Fran Higgins

Where in UNMC is Fran?

  We have a winner! Cindy Skarda in Clinical Perfusion correctly identified my location. This beautiful ivy covers one of the older buildings on campus…scheduled to be renovated…Poynter Hall! Elephanto will be with Cindy for the next week even though she missed him down in the bottom right corner of the ivy. 🙂      […]

Sep 1, 2009

Orientation Article from UNMC Today

Health care quality message greets SAHP students by Karen Burbach, UNMC public relations You may have noticed the red, “I’m an Allied Healther” T-shirts around campus recently. The shirts marked the start of a new school year for 164 students in the School of Allied Health Professions. During the school’s recent orientation, students engaged in […]

Aug 31, 2009

Emergency Phone for Telephone Failure

Most people on campus are probably unfamiliar with the backup system we have on campus to provide limited telephone service for emergency use if the regular telephone system fails. (At least, the folks with whom I spoke knew nothing about it.) So here’s the deal: The full procedure and the locations of red emergency phones is […]

Aug 5, 2009