University of Nebraska Medical Center

Who's In for Skating Next Tuesday?

Okay, so I won the free skating pass from Public Relations and I couldn’t wait to use it. I brought my warm socks today, but hadn’t given anyone a heads up, so I ended up skating alone (which was actually really fun because I had the rink to myself); however, it would REALLY be COOLER if we could get a group together over lunch and have a skating party.

That's Fran under the fogged up glasses and balaclava.

That's Fran under the fogged up glasses and balaclava.

So, this is your heads up! The rink is open for lunch-time skating on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I’m planning to go again next Tuesday, February 2nd at noon. It’s $5 including skates.

Bring your socks, eat a sandwich on the way over the skywalk, and let’s get this party started! If you don’t want to skate, just come watch everyone else fall down. šŸ™‚

Hope to see some of you there,

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