University of Nebraska Medical Center

Hoffman presents on IPE research at CAB-V conference

Erin Hoffman, MPAS, PA-C, academic director in our physician assistant education program, was invited to present a research poster at the recent CAB-V Conference (Collaborating Across Borders) in Virginia. This represents research she’s engaged in with the College of Public Health, College of Nursing, and College of Medicine on interprofessional education (IPE).

Other poster authors include Elizabeth Lyden, MS, from CoPH, Catherine Bevil, RN, PhD, from CON, and Gary L Beck, PhD, from COM. The poster offers results of a study of 280 faculty surveyed about their attitudes toward IPE. The study compared these results to students and identified barriers to faculty participation in IPE.

The results show a congruent response between faculty and student attitudes about IPE. The barriers faculty raised for not participating in IPE from this survey were often due to competing priorities and schedule conflicts. It’s reasonable to expect that from this research, solutions can be developed in managing time and addressing scheduling issues to better enhance the IPE experience.

CAB-V is the fifth joint conference in the Collaborating Across Borders series that links the US and Canada around themes of IPE and interprofessional practice (IPP). The conference features best practices, evidence-based outcomes and lessons learned in a scholarly dialogue. This year’s theme was “The Interprofessional Journey: Advancing Integration and Impact.”

Submitted by Michael J. Huckabee, PhD, PA-C

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