University of Nebraska Medical Center

Donner and Imhoff “Talk Micro”

Marnie Imhoff and Linsey Donner

Creating learning activities to keep students engaged and deepen their quality of learning can be difficult. Advances in multimedia and the ability of learning management systems to provide online course delivery allow practical applications once limited to the classroom to now be taught through online simulations.

Medical Laboratory Science Associate Program Director and Assistant Professor Marnie Imhoff and Microbiology Coordinator and Assistant Professor Linsey Donner, PhD, recently participated in a “Let’s Talk Micro” podcast discussing their manuscript, “Development of Online Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Unknowns: Active Learning for Online, Hybrid, and In-Person Courses,” published in Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. They describe how they created online clinical microbiology unknown assignments, which are suitable for complementing microbiology courses in online, hybrid, or in-person format.

Dr. Donner said, “The online unknown assignments has ended up being one of the best learning assets in our courses. Students have indicated the online unknowns have empowered their learning, prompted them to ask questions, and make deeper connections.ā€

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