University of Nebraska Medical Center

SAHP students awarded development funds for E-Learning modules

Five students from three allied health programs were honored today as E-learning Student Awardees at a luncheon ceremony. Students submitted proposals to the E-Learning Program for Students for the development of E-Learning modules to be used primarily to supplement learning in UNMC classes. Funding for the modules was awarded from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Cytotechnology students, Arixa Herrera and Halah Al-Hwail (pictured above), will be working with faculty mentors, Maheswari Mukherjee and Amber Donnelly, on a student E-Learning module for Cytopreparatory techniques. This module will use Articulate to demonstrate laboratory techniques and evaluate knowledge of cytopreparation.

e-learning-lab-edit-7426webAlizabeth Truhe, diagnostic medical sonography student, will be working with faculty mentors, Kim Michael and Tanya Custer, on a student E-Learning module which utilizes the Anatomage table to teach both anatomy and pathology revolving around aortic aneurysms.

e-learning-lab-edit-7419-webPhysical therapy students, Taylor Majerus and Marisa Johnson, are developing an E-Learning module on Cervical Spine Range of Motion with Betsy Becker as the faculty mentor. Their project includes clever interactivity for this procedure with videos, animated GIFs, and interactive study questions.

Congratulations to all the recipients!

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