University of Nebraska Medical Center

Spirit Week a Success!

Okay, maybe that’s a subjective title. If you measure success in smiles, however, it’s spot on. Just look through the pictures UNMC posted to Flickr! Everybody was having a good time.


Post-Pie Apocalypse: Fran Higgins (Sailor Moon) pied Kim Ager, and McKenzie Stevens pied Jim Temme.

Even the folks with whipped cream dripping off their faces were smiling. The money donated for a chance to “pie” someone did go to the Student Senate, so what’s not to smile about.

SAHP had a pumpkin carving/decorating contest and healthy potluck. Allied Health students helped decorate 40 bags to get ready for Child Life Trick-or-Treating. (See photos below)

Over 15 Allied Health students from various programs walked around with the in-patients who were unable to go trick-or-treating. Some carried bags, some pushed IV poles, some passed out goodies as the kids came around the atrium. They also escorted the children to judge a pumpkin carving contest.

Whether you donned your Spirit Week apparel, volunteered, carved, decorated, scavenged, made it to the photobooth for a silly dress-up shot, watched or participated in the costume contest and pie-ing, ate popcorn at the popcorn bar, got a free koozie and hand sanitizer, coffee, and scone, or partook in the truck vendor’s wares for lunch, I think you’ll agree that this Spirit Week was terrific!

A big thank-you to UNMC public relations for organizing this week of appreciation. Looking forward to next year!  

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