We put a few new twists in this year’s SAHP orientation: Fast Start, T-shirts, an interdisciplinary professionalism workshop and a keynote address from the president and CEO of The Nebraska Medical Center, Glenn Fosdick.
Most of our students completed their compliance training, surveys and other related orientation items on a Blackboard course, called Fast Start, before coming to campus. This freed up time for positive interaction between students in our eleven disciplines.

Dr. Meyer's interprofessional group
Fifteen faculty members conducted interprofessional sessions to acquaint the students with each other and with the different professions in allied health. This culminated in a ceremonial checking of the T-shirt.
Last year, our SAHP Student Advisory Board thought it would be nice to have shirts which could identify the School as well as each of our disciplines. When associate dean, Kyle Meyer, remarked, “I know you come to UNMC to become PTs and PAs and Radiographers; you don’t come here to be “allied healthers,” the students decided that would be a great tongue-in-cheek way to promote the School.
Thus, the idea for our bright red shirts, with “I’m an ‘Allied Healther'”… on the front and the individual disciplines on the back, was born.
- Allied Healthers at the lunch on Friday

WELCOME to all 179 new students!