Psychiatry residents, fellow celebrate first year of new program

The Department of Psychiatry celebrated the first graduate of UNMC’s Addiction Medicine Fellowship as well as a successful first year for the Psychiatry Residency Program.

The department’s education division gathered to honor Claudia Moore, MD, on finishing the year-long fellowship. 

“I’m really honored to have had Claudia Moore as our first graduating fellow,” said Ken Zoucha, MD, the Addiction Medicine Fellowship Director. “I will say that I learned as much from her as she did from me. I’m also very happy that she has chosen to join our faculty upon completion of her fellowship. She will be a great addition to the addiction program at UNMC.”

Knowing 12 months can fly by quickly, Dr. Moore said she tried to hit the ground running.

“I know I only have 12 short months to learn a new specialty, so I’m trying to cram as much learning into every experience as possible. My previous roles have included a lot of medical students and resident education; I now get to use all the lessons I’ve learned about what allows a learner to be successful and apply it to my own education,” she said.

Dr. Moore graduated from Emory University in 1996 with a degree in Art History and Biology. She attended the University of Tennessee College of Medicine in Memphis in 2000 and finished her residency at LSU Health Science Center in New Orleans in 2004. She completed a fellowship in Medical Toxicology at Emory/CDC/George Poison Center in 2006. From 2006-2020, she worked at Nebraska Medicine in emergency medicine. From 2013-2019, she was the Program Director for the Emergency Medicine Residency Program.

Following her graduation, Dr. Moore will join the UNMC Department of Psychiatry Faculty.

Michaelyn Everhart, MD; Matthew Kelly, MD; Andi Ngo, MD; and Emily Royer, MD, finished their first year in the new Psychiatry Residency Program.

A new group of residents will start this summer. Thomas Bainter, MD; Logan Ford, MD; and Max Lydiatt, MD, will stay in Omaha after graduating from and matching at UNMC. Bryndis Grissom, DO, comes to UNMC after studying at the University of North Texas Health Center, and Tianqi (Nina) Luo, DO, will head west this summer after graduating from Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine of Midwestern University.

Zachary Rupp, MD, will join this department this summer as a second-year resident after spending his first year at the University of Kentucky. He will be switching from family medicine to psychiatry. He brings the total number of residents to 10.

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