University of Nebraska Medical Center

Honoring Laura Bashus’ Dedication to McGoogan Library and UNMC

Laura Bashus

Laura Bashus, McGoogan Library’s business operations administrator, will retire at the end of July after 30 years with UNMC.  

She began her career at UNMC on July 25, 1994, with the College of Medicine in the Preventive and Societal Medicine department, which transitioned to the College of Public Health in 2007. As administrator, she facilitated the administrative and physical move of the department and various other entities into the newly formed college. She also provided fiscal and administrative oversight for business and human resource functions.  

Laura also worked closely with UNMC Facilities on coordination of the new construction and move into the Maurer Center for Public Health building, prior to an accreditation site review by the Council on Education for Public Health. 

In November 2014, she joined the McGoogan Health Sciences Library. Laura has seen the library through many space updates and was indispensable during the 2020 library renovation. She helped the team construct refreshing, collaborative environments for faculty, staff and students to perform their best work. 

While at the library, Laura worked on internal and external reports, compliance oversight, growing the team, grants and partnerships, tens of thousands of financial transactions and had a hand in so many projects. 

Upon reflecting on her time at UNMC, Laura said, “It’s been fun to traverse throughout campus through the years and learn of all the little nooks, shortcuts and tunnels.” 

Numerous library staff confirm that Laura is “expert level” when it comes to shortcuts and tunnels throughout campus. 

Congratulations on 30 years at UNMC and best wishes on your new adventures in retirement, Laura! 

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