University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Uncategorized

Hageman publishes in Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy

The research team of Carol Pullen, RN, EdD; Pat Hageman, PT, PhD; Linda Boeckner RD, PhD; and Susan Noble Walker, RN, EdD, had their findings published in the December 2008 volume of the Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy.  Their findings suggest that Internet-delivered weight loss interventions appear feasible and effective for rural midlife and older women.

Dec 18, 2008

Nicki, Ricki, & Diane Step Up Again!

At least three people in the School know the UNMC campus: Nicki Simmons and Diane Landon in the PA program, and Ricki Otten in CLS have once again discovered my whereabouts. In Ricki’s words: “you are in the hospital amphitheater on the 4th floor between WH and labor and delivery, another nose-bleed room.” Elephanto was […]

Dec 17, 2008

Cindy Skarda from Perfusion Wins!

I received a few wrong guesses this time, but I suppose one tunnel looks like another. Cindy Skarda correctly located me in the tunnel from Swanson Hall to MMI. (We used to hide out from tornadoes down there!) Both Cindy and Diane Landon (PA) pointed out that Elephanto was sitting on the steampipe to my right. […]

Dec 9, 2008