University of Nebraska Medical Center

Make Your Article Open Access with DigitalCommons@UNMC

Publishing through open access or hybrid journals (Gold open access) is not possible for all, due to article processing charges in most STEM journals, and publishing in traditional journals requires you to sign over your copyright, which restricts you from openly posting your article online.  

Or does it? 

Most publishers permit you to make the submitted or accepted manuscript available online. This is called green open access. DigitalCommons@UNMC is an open access repository that can host these manuscripts and showcases the work being accomplished at UNMC. 

Justin L. Mott, MD, PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology states that

“Publishing is a key milestone for research. Still, accessibility is necessary for effective communication–especially for students and researchers who may not have the excellent library support we have. DigitalCommons, by hosting full-length manuscripts, is filling a need and contributing to open access. It is important to me that we have a means to reach a broad spectrum of scientists. We ultimately serve both the research community and the public.” 

DigitalCommons@UNMC is a powerful tool that is indexed by Google and Google Scholar. It provides you extensive usage statistics, such as downloads, institution and geographic distributions, and referral sites. This altmetric can provide you with the story beyond article citations. Dr. Mott also has found that his “most frequently downloaded papers from DigitalCommons are not strictly my most frequently cited.” 

How do you get your manuscript in to DigitalCommons? Once the peer reviewed version of your article has been finalized, email that manuscript, along with your initial submitted manuscript, and the name of the journal, to digitalcommons@unmc.edu. We will verify which version can be posted, queue posting to coincide with publication of the final publisher version, and apply any publisher embargoes.

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