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University of Nebraska Medical Center

What’s ORCID and how do I get one?

When submitting a manuscript to a journal or conference or a grant to NIH, you may have noticed a field for an ORCID ID. What is ORCID?  “ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-driven effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers.” Essentially, you can register to get your own unique ID and tie all of your work together,

It was just announced that eight publishers will start to require an ORCID with new submissions. So, how do you get an ORCID?

To get started:

1. Claim your free ORCID iD at

2. Import your research outputs from Scopus and add biographical information using automated import wizards

3. Use your ORCID when you apply for grants, submit publications, or share your CV. Learn more at

If you have questions about ORCID or need assistance connecting your ORCID iD with your Scopus author profiles, contact Heather Brown at



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