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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Who in the library … faculty & staff profiles

Alissa Fial
Education & Research Services Librarian
Education & Research Services

Tell us about your job in the library.Fial-Headshot - Copy

I am an Education & Research Services (E&RS) Librarian, and I supervise Circulation Services (a team of 5 great individuals). As an E&RS Librarian, I conduct literature searches for UNMC-affiliates. The searches run a gamut of topics and areas, which for me, makes the job very interesting and something different each day. I serve on UNMC committees and I am the library liaison to the College of Nursing. As the liaison, I focus on their particular needs and I teach classes on library resources and searching.  As the supervisor in Circulation Services, I oversee the area of checking out materials to patrons, keeping up to date on policies, etc.

When would you most likely meet or talk with me?

You will see me at the AskUs Desk during the week. I answer questions that come in face-to-face, phone, chat, and email. Of course, you may see me in one of your classes. I present live to different campuses, face-to-face, and can virtually embedded in online classes, offering suggestions, tips and tricks, and research assistance.

What do you like about working in the library?

The Library is an amazing place. I love the variety of my work, but mostly I love interacting with the faculty, students and staff at UNMC. They inspire me, and I take great joy in assisting them on their research, educational and scholarly pursuits.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I love being with my family and boyfriend, and I’m active in my church.


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