Research Announcements

Request for Information (RFI): Strategies for Simplifying NIH’s Grant Application Instructions

NIH Notice: NOT-OD-15-134
Response Date: September 25, 2015

Help Us Help You!

Understanding what you need to know and do to apply for a grant can be a challenge.  NIH’s application instruction guide is long, with lots of background information that you may only occasionally need. On top of that, funding opportunity announcements have instructions that often add to those in the application instruction guide. We may also issue notices that can change application requirements, perhaps with additional FAQs for you to follow. It’s not only a lot of information, but it’s complex in the way we give it you, which can be frustrating!

We’ve been developing ideas about how to make these instructions better, but we really need to hear how you currently work with the instructions, and how you would like to work with the instructions in the future, so we can make a product that works better for you. Last week we issued a request for information for your suggestions about how we can simplify NIH’s grant application instructions (NOT-OD-15-134). I hope you will take this opportunity to give us your valuable input – as described here – by the Sept 25, 2015 deadline. We do want to make the grant application process easier to follow and, with your input, we can work together to make this happen.

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