University of Nebraska Medical Center

Easily find articles on specific groups with Embase

By Roxanne Cox

Embase has many named groups to aid in your searching.  Using the thesaurus called Emtree you can pinpoint your search results to named groups such as ethnic groups, citizen groups, marital status, occupation, geographic or population groups.

In 2014, 300 new terms were added for ethnic and citizen groups, making it possible for searchers to highlight almost any ethnic or citizen group mentioned in Embase articles. Please note that the named group must be a significant factor of the article to be assigned a term. Citizen groups range from Nauruan to Palauan to EU citizen to Tajik to Eritrean and ethnic groups include groups such as the Caddoan people, Seminole or Turkmen.

Emtree has more preferred terms with over 60,000 compared to PubMed/Medline’s 26,000 terms.  For your next search consider using Embase, which also includes Medline.

If you have any questions concerning databases,  search strategies, or would like to request that an Education and Research Service librarian assist you with a search please contact us at askus@unmc.edu.

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