University of Nebraska Medical Center

EHR query in PubMed

To help you search for Electronic Health Record (EHR) articles in PubMed, the National Library of Medicine has created a search string to either search alone or add to a specific topic.

A link to the query is available at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/services/ehr.html and consists of the following search statement:

((health information exchange[tw] OR hie[tw] OR rhio[tw] OR regional health information organization[tw] OR hl7[tw] OR health level seven[tw] OR “unified medical language system”[MeSH Major Topic] OR umls[tw] OR loinc[tw] OR rxnorm[tw] OR snomed[tw] OR icd9 cm[ti] OR icd 9 cm[ti] OR icd10[ti] OR icd 10[ti] OR metathesaurus[tw] OR patient card[tw] OR patient cards[tw] OR health card[tw] OR health cards[tw] OR electronic health data[tw] OR personal health data[tw] OR personal health record[tw] OR personal health records[tw] OR ehealth[tw] OR e-health[tw] OR “medical informatics applications”[MeSH Terms] OR “medical informatics applications”[MeSH Terms] OR “medical records systems, computerized”[MeSH Terms] OR “medical records systems, computerized”[MeSH Terms] OR computerized patient medical records[tw] OR automated medical record system[tw] OR automated medical record systems[tw] OR automated medical records system[tw] OR automated medical records systems[tw] OR computerized medical record[tw] OR computerized medical records[tw] OR computerized patient records[tw] OR computerized patient record[tw] OR computerized patient medical record[tw] OR electronic health record[tw] OR electronic health records[tw] OR electronic patient record[tw] OR electronic patient records[tw] OR electronic medical record[tw] OR electronic medical records[tw] OR electronic healthcare records[tw] OR electronic healthcare record[tw] OR electronic health care record[tw] OR electronic health care records[tw] OR “archives”[MeSH Major Topic] OR ehr[tw] OR ehrs[tw] OR phr[tw] OR phrs[tw] OR emr[tw] OR emrs[tw]) AND (medical record[ti] OR “medical records”[MeSH Terms] OR medical records[ti] OR patient record[ti] OR patient records[ti] OR patient health record[ti] OR patient health records[ti] OR “patient identification systems”[MeSH Terms] OR “patient identification systems”[MeSH Terms] OR healthcare record[ti] OR healthcare records[ti] OR health care record[ti] OR health care records[ti] OR health record[ti] OR health records[ti] OR hospital information system[tw] OR hospital information systems[tw] OR umae[ti] OR “attitude to computers”[MeSH Terms] OR medical informatics[ti])) OR ((“medical records systems, computerized”[MeSH Major Topic] OR “medical records systems, computerized”[MeSH Terms] OR computerized patient medical record[tw] OR computerized patient medical records[tw] OR automated medical record system[tw] OR automated medical record systems[tw] OR automated medical records system[tw] OR automated medical records systems[tw] OR computerized medical record[tw] OR computerized medical records[tw] OR computerized patient records[tw] OR computerized patient record[tw] OR electronic health record[tw] OR electronic health records[tw] OR electronic patient record[tw] OR electronic patient records[tw] OR electronic medical record[tw] OR electronic medical records[tw] OR electronic healthcare records[tw] OR electronic healthcare record[tw] OR electronic health care record[tw] OR electronic health care records[tw] OR “unified medical language system”[MeSH Major Topic] OR unified medical language system[tw] OR umls[tw] OR loinc[tw] OR rxnorm[tw] OR snomed[tw] OR icd9 cm[ti] OR icd 9 cm[ti] OR icd10[ti] OR icd 10[ti] OR Metathesaurus[tw] OR ehr[tw] OR ehrs[tw] OR phr[tw] OR phrs[tw] OR emr[tw] OR emrs[tw]) AND (“J AHIMA”[Journal] OR “J Am Med Inform Assoc”[Journal] OR “AMIA Annu Symp Proc”[Journal] OR “Health Data Manag”[Journal] OR “Int J Med Inform”[Journal] OR “Yearb Med Inform”[Journal] OR “Telemed J E Health”[Journal] OR “Stud Health Technol Inform”[Journal]))