A Day in the Life at UNMC

Hi! Welcome to “A Day in the Life at UNMC” blog. My name is Nicole Lindquist and I work in the Public Relations department as a writer and social media specialist.

As part of my job, I get to do things like Flipcam Match Day (and try not to cry) , hand out UNMC swag at the Nebraska State Fair, witness someone walk normally for the first time because of a research study, and wish patients well at their appointments at UNMC on Twitter.

I heard a quote recently by someone being honored for her years of work in journalism.

“I’m ashamed to collect a paycheck,” she said, because her job is so much fun.

I often think the same thing. I get to be a part of so many cool things that go on at UNMC and get paid for it. It doesn’t get much better than that.

But now I get to tell you all about it, too. Through this blog I hope to share my experiences with you in the first-person, so it’s like you were right there with me.

I want you to experience events like Hustle for Hunger,

That’s me in the middle!

Earth Week

I’m on the left!

and the time I unintentionally spent more than $100 on birthday treats for my co-workers. (OK, maybe not that last one. No one deserves to experience that).

This January, I’ll mark 5 years at UNMC, and in just my short time here I’ve been a patient:

my daughter has been a research subject:

my husband has taken advantage of my working here to establish in-state residency as he goes back to school to get his masters (and for free tickets to Blues Brothers)

Oh, and my dog has even appeared in an Ask UNMC segment on pets and allergies.

I love the UNMC community. My co-workers are more than friends, they’re practically family.

Apparently I didn’t get the memo about red or black.

And I hope I can add you to that list soon. My hope is for this blog to be a two-way street. I’d love to hear your stories, ideas and comments. And if you’re interested in guest posting, let me know. This should be fun. So fun I’ll be ashamed 🙂

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  1. Selaba Travis says:

    Great idea! I already learned something I didn’t

    about before.

  2. Kris says:

    Lots to do and see at UNMC.

  3. Rolando Ramirez says:

    I am a 2001 graduate of the Master’s Program for Physician Assistants. I noticed some people in the quarterly alumni magazine sporting the UNMC lapel pin and thought that they looked pretty cool. I was advised to ask the Public Relations Department about getting one, and I came upon your blog. Do you think I could get one or know where I could get one? Thanks.

    Rolando Ramirez, PA-C, MPAS ’01

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